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Girl in a Bottle

     I was in a store with a fancy name, and saw this bottle with an interesting shape, shaped almost like a convex lens element, despite being way overpriced, I bought it.  Looking through the bottle at a human face didn't prove all that interesting, until I filled it with water, and then things got quite interesting distortion wise. 


Posted on Monday, November 5, 2007 at 07:28AM by Registered CommenterJonathan Brewer in , , | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

Jonathon that is a very unusual and naturally very interesting image. The thought process behind the image is interesting to know as well. Thanks for sharing.

November 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Nicholls

Hey Steve

I was dropping off some film at Nardulli's and I got to talking to one of the guys who owns Nardulli's about film and digital. He does digital, but likes film, and I was telling him that in terms of film, this image, which is straight film is an example of why I like film in that I couldn't match this shot trying to duplicate it in photoshop.

Rather than get into some longwinded psychobabble about digital, I'll just say that coming up with ideas and doing them w/film, and seeing something that looks interesting always gives me a charge, 'interesting' because it's unexpected, and you still like it, and you got it through 'sheer luck'.

When I was shooting this, I was moving/swiveling the bottle a quarter of an inch this way or that, and I got this face, now I'd never imagined this face, and it doesn't look at all like the real and very beautiful face of the woman sitting behind the bottle, it was a different face, and it was there, and it had a personality of it's own.

The next day after doing this, I set up the EXACT SAME conditions, lighting, bottle in exactly the same spot, but COULD NOT get the same image, or anything close to as interesting as this shot, not even close, it was kind of like, fate, or the gods were saying, 'no, no', you only get one chance.

Hopefully this makes sense.


November 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan Brewer

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