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Cheap Lenses

I thought I would follow up on yesterdays rant by talking about the other end of the spectrum.  Really REALLY inexpensive lenses that have a grand look.  So yesterday I made a couple of photos with a real sleeper.  Yep, I made them just because I wanted to see what the lens could do.  Guess what, they are gorgeous and I plan to do a LOT of other stuff with this particular lens.  What is it you ask?  Later.  Let me preface that if I put it on Ebay I wouldn't get $55 bucks for it.


white coffee cup 


I just love the soft peaches and cream look.  I only made 2 images and both are keepers.  I used

the Venerable Kodak 2D and Freestyle APHS Ortho film



 elevation wheel


Both of these are just rough and reddy scans.  I did print both of these today just for a first look on 11X14 Kodak matt RC paper that is probably 25 years old.  Beautiful prints and very easy, no messing around.


OOPS.  Out of time.  My steak is done.  I'll have to tell ya later what the lens was....................Jim Galli

Posted on Monday, August 6, 2007 at 11:33PM by Registered CommenterJim Galli in | Comments1 Comment

Reader Comments (1)

Simply beautiful Steve, thanks for uploading the image, I love it!!!

August 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan Brewer

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