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Pinkham Smith Series II S.A. round 2

I decided to have mercy and do these entries 2 at a time.  In each case I simply stopped the lens down to f11 to see what the effect would be, full wide open f6, and f11.  Images 3 and 4.

Lionel & Ives f6

Lionel & Ives f11

5 apples II f6

A few comments thus far.  Am I excited about this lens?  YES!  It is different in execution and results than any other soft focus lens I own.  I have lenses that are softer, but this one is.....how shall I say it..........frought with possibilities.  I can only wonder if I'm up to the task.

Posted on Sunday, October 26, 2008 at 10:31PM by Registered CommenterJim Galli | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

I'll break good form and make my own first comment. Look at the second apple picture at f11. These lovely Jonathan's were getting a little long in the tooth. The perfect reason to use this lens on some wrinkly old bag that wants to pay you a lot of money to make her look good. No pun intended Jonathan. :~'))

October 26, 2008 | Registered CommenterJim Galli

If you look at the F6 version of these Jonathans, the outside edges are sharp, as indicated by the slight wisp of a dark edge along the outline of these apples. If this lens was all softness, this edge wouldn't be dark.

Very defined edges w/softness overlayed over them. This is what is tough for me w/my Ser III, finding this on the groudglass, because as you know by now Jim there ain't no 'snap focus' w/these suckers.

Taming these lenses is like riding on the outside of a rocket, but you're going to be thrilled by the ride.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan Brewer

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