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Octangonal Ice Chest - The Kodak Portrait Lens


This is an octagonal shaped and very thick crystal ice chest I've balanced on it's side on top of brushed aluminum w/the lid shifted over to the side.  You're looking through the top to the bottom of the chest.

I was going to do this in b&w, but after working on the color shot, I'm not going to do it.  Again I did this shot w/backlight which goes through the glass and bounces around in all kinds of interesting ways as opposed to going for the reflections from frontal illumination.


Take care




Addendum:  Steve.......I know you like checking out the set-up, here it is, thick aint it!!!!






Posted on Friday, October 2, 2009 at 04:48PM by Registered CommenterJonathan Brewer | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

Very, very classy. Another one to add to the up coming exhibition :)


October 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Nicholls

Hey Steve

Thank you very much!! I'm all played out obsessing w/glass, so maybe I can convince myself to take a break from this genre. I can say that on one end of the spectrum, the Semi-Achromatic Series I, II, III are the most unforgiving of the all out exotics, and the Kodak, which I consider a coated Semi-Achromatic is the most forgiving of this type of lens.

If I'd shot this w/a SA I, II, III, the highlights which seem pleasurable here via the Kodak would've come off way blown out and garish using the same shutter speed of 1/2 sec. I used here

I've read somewhere something Russ Young mentioned, something to the effect that the Kokak used better glass than the Pinkhams, so to me, to my eye, it's gotta be the glass and the coating which is responsible for the 'sweet spot' which everybody inclduing me sees as 'pearlesence'.

Have a good one.

October 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan

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