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This image is the result of using the most unsung Classic lenses, the Wollensak Velostigmat II, and sheer luck.  That's because the image was made w/almost 10yr old Polaroid 804.  

Exposure was using the Ray Charles exposure technique, I set my meter to its 'OLD ASS FILM' setting, which was EI40, metered the light source @ F8.5, and then set the lens to F4.5 as a guestimate to compensate for bellows extension and 10yr old outdated film.

I went in my garage looking for simple tools/items to shoot, the subject matter by itself isn't what intrigues me about the shot, but texture.


Reader Comments (2)

J, with luck like that you should move on over to the "bettin' State"! Happy New Year! Love the super shallow dof! I used the Wolly 'stigmat's kissin cuz just yesterday. Wollensak Beach is a Velostigmat with a bizarre circular pattern between the cemented elements at the rear that the seller claimed brought more into focus at smaller apertures.

January 2, 2008 | Registered CommenterJim Galli

Hey Jim

Thanks kindly...........About a year ago a guy was selling several boxes of the oldest Polaroid 8x10 I've ever come across, most of it was a 'goo' type mess, but there were several boxes of 809/804 where I could feel where the chemical pod still was good and so I bought the whole mess.

5-10 year Polaroid is sheer luck, I only mess w/it because when it is very old and does work, theres a texture and quality there you only get w/the other alternative processes, and it's always different.

Incidently, in terms of how the Velostigmat and very old Polaroid film have combined to stylize the subject matter, the dark areas to the right of the square is actually the shadow left by the square, and looking through the groundglass before taking the exposure, this shadow was dark/contrasty/well defined w/a sharp edge and actually 'there'. After the Velostigmat and old 804 gets through with it, the shadow has all but disappeared.

The Velostigmat II never ceases to amaze me, yet it's always stayed relatively cheap compared to other Classic/Portrait/Soft Focus lenses, which I guess is a good thing.

Take care

January 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan Brewer

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