Pinkham's, Petzval's, & Petrol on Pater's Day 2008
I am blessed with 3 of Mr. Pinkham's lenses. 2 Series IV and a single 9" Series V Synthetic. I have not done the Synthetic justice before now. Last weekend I got to do 2 shots with it. A case of being perfectly happy doing something else, seeing light interacting with a possible subject, and acting on that by setting up the equipment to get the shot. This is on 8X10 with a good long bellows extension. Wide open, I calculated and equivalent f9. This has whetted my appetite for this lens, it is simply marvelous!
oil decanters #1
Posted on Tuesday, June 17, 2008 at 05:12PM
Jim Galli
in Jim Galli, Pinkham & Smith, Pinkham & Smith Series V Synthetic, Pinkham & Smith VQ IV Ser. 2, monochrome
Reader Comments (4)
Hi Jim, as always a pleasure to look at your work. Do you have a 9" Verito that you could shoot alongside the PS 9" on a 5x4 camera? I can shoot the Verito but you will need to send me the PS 9". Of course I will handle the shipping cost :)
Thanks Steve! And thanks for the offer to send my Pinkham half way around the world. Thinking, thinking, nah! Maybe I'll bring it with me when I come. Actually I DO have a lovely 9" Verito, as well as a nifty 9" Hyperion. These 3 would make an excellent shoot out. I'll quit my real job tomorrow and get on it. BTW, more pics here.
Ahhh yes, glass done diaphaneously. Makes me think of the 3 teeeeeeeeeessss, translucence, transparence, and most of all, transitions.
Hi Jim,
thanks for sharing this wonderful luminous picture. I am looking forward to see the comparison of the 3 lenses.
All the best from Berlin
stefan d