« Ilford FP4-Xtol test shot with Taylor-Hobson Projection lens(2 front grps) | Main | Pinkham's, Petzval's, & Petrol on Pater's Day 2008 »

Green Glass-Taylor-Hobson Projection lens(2 front groups) VS Modified Turner Reich 10 inch


    Good Evening folks


I'll preface this w/saying that Jim Galli's shot represents how glass is perfect for these kinds of lenses. 

I'm starting a multi-faceted project where I'm going to use either the Taylor-Hobson lens grps or my Jim Galli modified 10 inch Turner Reich to shot 5 images for a new gallery on my personal site worktitled 'shapes'.   I'm goint to shoot those 5 images on FP4, and I'm going to have Master Printer Alan Wedertz print the 5 images on both Fomabron Velvet 123, and Adox MCC 111 paper.   The Fomabron paper Velvet 123 Adox MCC 111 are equivalent to the old Agfa MCC 118 and MCC 111 respectively.  Eric Joseph of Freestyle was kind enough to give me these papers, and having Alan Wedertz using his Master Printing ability to do these tests will do these tests Justice.

If all goes right Alan will write about his printing this paper and also give his observations.   I'll then either use the scans of the negs or the scans of the prints to create a new gallery on my personal website.   I'll then use those same negs to start my experiments w/Centennial POP, which I've put off for too long.

When Polaroid went 'belly up', it was right on time for me to acquire some Fuji instant film, which despite being color is perfect for me proofing my lighting, and despite being color gives me a very good feel for my lighting.   I give great compliments to Craig Nelson who sold me this film, it's as good as new, for a lot less money and Craig is an honorable guy.

The 2 front grps of the Taylor-Hobson lens is an interesting configuration that I'm going to experiment after this w/portraiture, and I'll be continuing on w/this project w/the final images shot on my 10 inch Turner Reich which was modified by Jim Galli.

The top shot which is from the Taylor Hobson and was shot at approx. F2, shot on the bulb setting(shutter time was 'one thousand and one'), I use bulb so I don't blow any film like I have been known to do using 'T' where I'll look at the SM and then load up some film while I forget to close down the lens.   I didn't correct correct or do anthing to the brightness of these two shots.

The bottom shot is the Turner Reich.   What can I say, in terms of sharpness or smoothness, these kinds of descriptors don't really pin this lens down.  It doesn't really matter, this lens has a quality that is just so elegant.  It does remind me so much of the Pinkhams when you stop them down, and I have to keep reminding myself of why that is, which is partly because it's @ F6.8 wideopen.

I plan to complete this project, and then go on to testing my Gundlach Achromatic Meniscus when I agree w/Jim is very similar in look to the Pinkham Synthetic, and then the VQ IV, and lastly the Pinkham SA Double Ser III, No III.






Reader Comments (2)

Hey Jonathan. Looks like a fantastic project. I can't wait to see some of the results. This image especially shows the personalities of the 2 lenses. I'm still playing catch up from the Thomas Flyer re-enactment photo shoot 3 months ago. I'd like to be caught up by tomorrow so I can concentrate on some new work again. Funny how new work is what drives us. Printing and framing and production is torture, just want to do something new!

On your images above did the two lenses interpret the color just as we see? The Cooke seems so much warmer than the TRM.


June 23, 2008 | Registered CommenterJim Galli

Hey Jim

My focus may have been a little off on the top shot, and I was too close to the background so it had the mottled appearence. I backed up for the TR shot. I didn't touch the color, it's as you see it.

Some of this is the individuality of each sheet of Fuji Instant, the film is usually consistent but not absolutely always. Sometimes this will result in a strange kind of color cast that I've found interesting.

This is the 10 inch TR you modified for me, and interestingly, your 12 inch gives a diff color rendition that is a little warmer than the 10 inch.

I've sent the Fomabron Velvet 123 and Adox MCC 111 to Alan Wedertz today, believe me whatever he does will be definitive w/this film. You can depend on precision and nuance from Alan, this is a Master Printer who is exacting.

You're right about that, this will tie into my starting to do POP and some of the Polaroid 8x10 instant that I still have left, and then for the next couple of years, I'll be wringing out my 'sweet and round' Wollensak 190 Raptor, Wolly Velostigmat, Gundlach Achromatic Meniscus, the VQ IV and finaly the Ser III, No III. Maybe a little Kollmorgen and my Brass Petzval Bazooka mixed in for a little flavor.

June 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan Brewer

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