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Ilford FP4-Xtol test shot with Taylor-Hobson Projection lens(2 front grps)

This is a FP4-Xtol test shot w/the 2 grps of the TH projection lens.   In the interest of avoiding Lung damage/Renal failure and everything else that goes w/some of these chemicals, my return to the dev my own stuff is going to have to be w/Xtol.  I figure if Citric Acid is going to Jack me up, then I might as well quit. 

This test shot and probably a bunch more I need to do on the way is practice to get out the cobwebs/rust from my agitation technique and working my way back to nice even development. 

This is a test, but the focus is on the money, and for the central SM, I uploaded this to give an idea of what this lens does via a big 4x5 neg ala FP4 as opposed to the Fuji version of the same SM below.  Soft but smooth, kind of a combo between the AeroEktar and the TR, and minus the color of the previous Fuji shot maybe this unmasks more of the lens nuance.

The shots that I've sent Alan Wedertz for printing to the Fomabron Velvet 123, and Adox MCC III were on FP4 shot w/the TR 10 inch and dependent on the result of those shots, I may do some more shots(do they still call 'em still lifes?) w/the 2 frnt grps of the Cooke when this paper goes into production.


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