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My Razzle Debuts

Note me as another satisfied customer of Dean Jones, the Australian camera-hacker and innovator.

Late last year, while tooling around a Tulsa flea-market with my pal Bruce Appel, I stumbled upon a nice Polaroid 110B and purchased it. After making contact with Dean Jones, I forwarded both camera and down payment to Mr. Jones. In March 2008, I received my IRS refund and completed the transaction with Dean, who set about converting my camera. Yesterday, June 23rd, my Razzle was received at the post office, and a quick shot put past the Fujinon 150/6.3 lens.

In a word: Bliss.

Dean Jones is highly regarded, and I recommend him to any seeking an alternative to the much more expensive options out there for RF-focused 4x5 cameras and conversions. Dean is a passionate hacker; but be advised, his waiting list is growing by the day--Get on it soon!

Model: Buffie Brooke
EV/Film: 1/30" @ F8, Fujifilm FP-100C45


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