Gundlach Meniscus
here is the first attempt to my new Gundlach Acromatic Meniscus 18". It is only a bad scan and I am looking forward printing it because the halos are very nice. It is amazing what is possible with such an old lens. Thanks again to Jim!
All the best
stefan d
Reader Comments (4)
What's up Stefan
Very tranquil scene, very nice lady, very nice for a first effort. You know of course that this Gundlach is essesntially the same formula as the last Pinkham.
Take care
Gundlach Achromatic Meniscus, Pinkham & Smith Synthetic, same lens.
Hi Jonathan,
this was only a first test. I did not had time enough so I had to catch my wife to make my first picture. I know that this is the same formula as the P&S and that is because I was so exited.
stefan d
Your Queen is gorgeous Stefan, I'm surprised you find any time at all for the cameras(smile)!!!! 8^))