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'umble offerings

Here are three Verito offerings. Taken with a 14.5 lens on 4x5 and 8x10.

1. 4x5, a bench on a lake in Davidson's Mill Pond Park in New Jersey. The sun was in front and at the upper left, producing a very high contrast situation. Something that the Verito (and I assume most SF lenses) love.


2. 8x10In the same park, but a view across another pond. This is the entire negative. At the size that fits a PC monitor, you don't see much of an effect other than it's "painterly." Most of the time I think shots like this just look out of focus, but this one maintained interest (at least to me).


3. A crop of #2, showing how the person sitting on the bench occupies a focal point. At a 11x14+ printing size, this tends to draw one into the picture (I hope!).

I love this lens. It has such limitless possibilities, given the availability of sherpas to carry all the other stuff.



Posted on Thursday, May 28, 2009 at 09:01PM by Registered CommenterGeorge Bogatko | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

George.............The top shot absulutely does it for me, the moist/dreamlike 'sheen' makes the place look like a dream. You almost expect an angel to show up and sit on the bench.


May 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan Brewer

Yes, a very special shot. And there's the face of a ghost hovering in the trees across the pond above the table.........

May 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJim Galli

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