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Jungle Habitat

This is a park from the late 70's that featured a leisurely drive thru a collection of wild animals.  Look it up on Wikipedia.  It lasted about 2-3 years, but closed after some people got mauled. The town of West Milford now owns the property and has opened it for hiking and biking.

Verito 14.5"

"Asphalt is Forever" - on the main parking lot, which looks to be 5-10 acres.

'Entrance Driveway" -- yes, it's 4 lanes. Think of the last time you got to stand on a 4 lane highway and not get hit.






Posted on Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 08:25PM by Registered CommenterGeorge Bogatko | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

Hi George,

Are you sure there are no animals left on the site :)

I love the way the Verito handles so many subjects. Do you have a preferred aperture you work at?


June 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Nicholls


Animals? On the parking lot, I saw lots of teeny-tiny pink things crawling around, plus ants. Sigh, no animals left.

I vary between 4 and 6 depending on the subject. Sometimes 8 when I think the coma is going to be too wild. Lately, with 4x5 I've been bracketing on unusual subjects.


June 4, 2009 | Registered CommenterGeorge Bogatko

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