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'Upon Reflection' - 3 New Test Shots - The Pinkham & Smith Visual Quality IV


This upload is the first of 3 new test shots featuring the 'Upon Reflection' subject matter w/a reworked lighting scheme which made it possible for the inclusion of the Pinkham & Smith Semi-Achromatic Doublet Series III, No III into these tests.

The Pinkham Series III has a Studio #6 shutter which is larger than the 6 1/4 inche toyo board it's mounted on, and it has been impossible, for me at least, to crank this shutter by hand to anywhere close to the shutter speeds of my Universal #5 shutter I used in exposing the previous 'Upon Reflection' tests.

Those original tests were exposed w/each lens used w/the #5 shutter,  and the shutter was set 1/3 of the way past the 1/25 mark toward 1/50.   Now on a good day, at maximum, I can crank up the Pinkham Series III, and its #6 shutter to around 1/10-1/15 of a sec, meaning I couldn't get my shutter time down to where it should be to properly expose the image w/the original lightscheme.

The only way of including the Series III in a test w/the other lenses, since I couldn't shorten the shutter time of the Series III, was to bring the intensity of the illumination down, and compensating by slowing down the shutter times of the lenses using the #5 shutter to where they now match the fastest speed at which I could crank the #6 Studio shutter.

I brought the intensity of the light hitting the lightbulbs down to where the longer 1/10 shutter times of the Studio shutter would now give the right exposure and matched that shutter time on shots used w/my Universal #5 shutter  w/the speed of the Studio shutter.  The only way to knock down the illumination was to double/fold up cloth silk several times and place it over the glass magnifier supporting the bulbs, and the result was a reduction in illumination of 2-3 stops.

I always dread dis-assembling a still life or breaking up a portrait session to adjust the lighting, you never seem  duplicate the original shot exactly once you break it up.  I went ahead and did it because I was only going to do it once if I was lucky to get it about right the second time.

A lighting scheme has balance just like a composition, knock down the light in one place, often as not, you have to boost it up somewhere else.  So this point I decided to rework the complete lighting scheme of the original shot.  I eliminated any frontal light hitting the reflector, boosted up the background/ambient light so the subject matter no longer looked like it was in a black hole, and angled some photons so they would hit the top rim of the reflector for some highlights.

The new tests w/reworked lighting evolved into submitting new considerations above and beyond what came from the original tests........as a comparison of three de facto pinkhams............how knocking down the illumination can give you the choice of eliminating the flare/halation usually assoc. w/these lenses as you compare these new tests to the original tests............and the fact that this lighting scheme simply looks better.

This first shot is w/the Pinkham Visual Quality, shot at F4.5, 1/10th of a sec. shutter time w/the Universal #5 shutter.




Posted on Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 11:28PM by Registered CommenterJonathan Brewer | CommentsPost a Comment

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