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Upon Relfection - Black & White - Brass Petzval lens

I repositioned the lightbulbs again for this shot, and moved the camera yet again, why....just looked right.  After getting the bulbs 'about right', I had to use my thumbs to push down right/left against the magnifier  behind the front 2 bulbs to get the bulbs level to the reflector, and a pencil to stick between the front 2 bulbs at the front to lower/raise the bulbs.

The Petzval is a barrel lens and is dedicated to my Graflex Pacemaker w/its shutter.  The shutter speeds available on either side of what needed to be a proper exposure were either too long or too short and I had to resort to a felt lined lenscap held over the lens to get this.   This is the result of 4 attempts/exposures w/the lens cap, and this exposure 'felt' like 1/20-1/25 of a sec.    I believe this Petzval has a FL of around 8-10 inches, and is around F3-4.5 wideopen.

Bet. the Euryscop and this shot, I prefer this one.  The Petzval provides a 'double whammy' of transitioning from best plane of focus to the background, and a transition of sharp to soft from the center of the frame outward, w/effects no pair of stockings/vaseline on a filter/softar is going to duplicate.  

The Petzval was made to do this particular shot, the Euryscop shot has a lot of value for me, but this shot talks to me. 

This series is over, I'm now sick of looking at lightbulbs, but I tell you, after looking at them long enough, you see distinct differences between 'em, I hope that doens't sound crazy.


Posted on Sunday, August 30, 2009 at 05:31PM by Registered CommenterJonathan Brewer | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

Who would have thought light globes could look so good !!

August 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Nicholls

Thanks a lot Steve.....

What I find interesting about the Petzval and this shot is the dramatic and abrupt transitions, from real sharp, to real soft, in a very curious way.

August 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan

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