Remember "Them!!"

The one about giant ants?

This reminds me of it. Taken with a Chatham Rectilinear wide open -- lots of coma. The day was just turning overcast.


Posted on Sunday, March 8, 2009 at 12:02PM by Registered CommenterGeorge Bogatko | Comments3 Comments

Magic forest


My project "Magic forest" is going on and here are some new ones. There where made with a P&S VQ IV.





Posted on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 04:54PM by Registered CommenterStefan D | Comments6 Comments

First and last images from Semi Achromatic Ser I on loan from 'Santa Claus'


Unless I have a terrific brainstorm between now and when I return this gem back to Santa Claus, these will be my first and last images from the Semi Achromatic Series I.  The Semi Achromatic are/have been very hard on my now 60yr old eyes.  I'm just now snapping out of about a 4 day headache from doing the last of these shots.  It's strange, I don't get headaches right after I shoot, they wait a day and then go crazy on me.  All in all though, Jim having the kindness to loan this lens to me was a blessing.  Again, thanks Jim.

My observations are that the Series I gives an image a sparkle and excitement that's the best of what the Pinkhams are all about.

The first of the 3 shots 'Apothecary' refers to the Apothecary type jars that pharmicists used to use to stockpile and separate their chemicals/various sundries.  This was shot @F11 because shooting wideopen produced nothing but detailess white.   A point of interest is that I used a beauty light from behind to illuminate the jar, but what you're seeing behind the jar is an almost perfectly formed disc of flare produced by the lens which obscures the light.

Metal Bowl was exposed between F6-8. and this was shot w/Ilford FP4.

Ever hear the phrase 'A light went on in my head' when somebody refers to the seemingly spontaneous generation of an idea?   This is what I was thinking of when I did this shot.   This is a 25 watt lightbulb.  exp. was also halfway bet. F6-8.   I used up my last 2 sheets of Polaroid doing this shot.  I sick about running out of Polaroid, but happy it was used up on this shot.










kasebier negatives

There's a trove of original negatives by Gertrude Kasebier at the Library of Congress.  The starting point is here:

You then type in her name (or anyone else for that matter, Ansel Adams, Walker Evans) and up comes a trove. I put some at the large format grou:

but nobody seems interested (too bad for them). 

The last one on LFP should interest this group.  Jim!  What lens do you think took it?




Posted on Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at 12:26AM by Registered CommenterGeorge Bogatko | Comments6 Comments

Sean Connery


Sean Connery stopped by the studio earlier this afternoon.  He heard I had a 'Smith' lens.

Posted on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 01:30AM by Registered CommenterJim Galli | Comments4 Comments